По природниот тек на нештата


Како што поминува времето, ми се освестува краткорочноста на животот, а со тоа срцето почнува да ми омекнува и да ми се менуваат многу перспективи и уверувања низ кои ја доживував реалноста.

The Natural Flow of Things


As time passes, I become aware of the brevity of life, and with that my heart begins to soften and many perspectives and beliefs through which I experienced reality change.

The Natural Flow of Things

Le week-end

Ils l’ont invitée à prendre un café, probablement pour parler du week-end. Le message de WhatsApp ne l’indique pas clairement, mais c’était manifestement leur objectif.

The Natural Flow of Things

On diagnosis | on the natural flow of things (1/2)

Therefore, the subject of this text will be the different ways in which I deal with the diagnosis, with an emphasis on what I call “on the natural flow of things.” So, I write about myself, about my way of seeing things, about my “new vocabulary”, (I write and discover along the way) and I would be glad if what I write inspires others.